Nature News - Archive

Biology and other science news items from Nature News, the popular science syndication arm of the premier international science publisher, the Nature Publishing Group. Nature News is an authoritative and accessible online roundup of what's new in science research.
June 3, 2019
Gene edits to ‘CRISPR babies’ might have shortened their life expectancy
Study of almost half a million people links mutation that protects against HIV infection to an earlier death.
May 30, 2019
Algeria and Argentina declared malaria-free?
Scientists discovered the malaria parasite in Algeria in 1880.
May 29, 2019
Two types of fibroblast drive arthritis
Fibroblast cells promote the development of rheumatoid arthritis. The finding that two distinct fibroblast populations affect different aspects of the disease in mice has implications for efforts to develop clinical treatments.
May 29, 2019
Bridging the gap between artificial vision and touch
Object manipulation using an innovative glove allows large databases of detailed pressure maps to be obtained. Such data could lead to advances in robotic sensing and in our understanding of the role of touch in manipulation.
April 5, 2019
Cancer geneticists tackle troubling ethnic bias in studies
Multi-million efforts are underway to fill long-standing gaps in genomic data from minority groups.
April 5, 2019
Geneticist Sydney Brenner, who made tiny worm a scientific legend, dies
Nobel-prizewinning biologist pioneered use of C. elegans as an animal model.
April 4, 2019
Cats know their names — whether they care is another matter
Behavioural experiments suggest that felines acknowledge their monikers by subtly moving their heads and ears.
April 3, 2019
Coral symbiosis is a three-player game
DNA analysis and microscopy reveal a third organism in the symbiosis that forms coral. The finding underscores the functional and evolutionary complexity of the symbiotic relationships that support many ecosystems.
April 2, 2019
Court ruling highlights the threat of vaccine misinformation
Distorted facts that undermine uptake of the human papillomavirus vaccine could leave a generation at risk.
March 28, 2019
Virus tricks the immune system into ignoring bacterial infections
The finding could explain why the body tolerates some microbes and lead to better treatments for chronic infections.
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