Earth and Its Resources

Global environmental issues, oceans, weather, cycles of matter and energy, carbon, water, rock, landforms, fossil fuel, alternative energy
About Air
Students use popcorn of different colors to model the composition of air.
Detecting Air Pollution
Students create model air pollution detectors to sample particles in indoor and outdoor air.
Grades: K-2 -
Dust Catchers
Students make a simple device to collect particles from the air at home or in the classroom.
Fossil Fuels and the Carbon Cycle
Students learn how geologists locate fossil fuels by using a straw to extract "core samples" from a model that has different layers.
Making a Water Cycle
Students observe a simple model of the water cycle constructed of sand and ice in a plastic shoe box.
Grades: K-2 -
People and Climate
Students learn about Earth’s major climate types, how climate affects people's lifestyles, and impacts of climate change.
River Ecology
Students simulate activities that can affect a water source, like a river as it flows from one place to another within a community.
Grades: K-2 -
There's Something in the Air
To model the movement of pollutants through the air, students compare the dispersal of odors, both inside and outdoors.
Using Heat from the Sun
Students conduct a discovery activity that demonstrates how energy from sunlight can heat water.
Water Cycle and Global Warming
Students investigate the water cycle, properties of water, simulated effects of global temperature change on oceanic surface levels, and potential consequences of these changes.