Genetics and Inheritance
© Johanna Goodyear.
Patterns of inheritance, Mendelian genetics, variation of traits, pedigrees
Dogs—A Model for Modern Genetics
LessonStudents explore variation among dog breeds, and compare variation within domesticated dogs to variation within wolves and other canids.
Genotyping a Mixed Breed Dog
LessonStudents follow the case study of a “mutt,” whose breed identity is uncovered by its owners through commercial genotyping.
Mapping A Mutation
LessonStudents learn about the genetic code and how small substitutions within the code can lead to physical changes in individuals, and use authentic data to uncover the SNP responsible for long hair in dogs.
Genotypes and Phenotypes
LessonStudents learn about how a change in the nucleotide sequence affects phenotype. They predict the outcomes of crosses between short- and long-haired dachshunds.
Categorizing Hair Types in Dogs
LessonStudents explore phenotypic differences in hair types found in the coats of different dog breeds, as they begin to learn about complex traits.
Genetic Testing and Designer Dogs
LessonStudents learn about three examples where genetic mutations are related both to desirable characteristics and to harmful effects in certain dog breeds.
Genetics and Environmental Influences on Physical Traits
LessonStudents test two alternative hypotheses to explain observable differences fruit fly eye color.
Reebops: A “Model” Organism for Teaching Genetic Concepts
LessonStudents create imaginary creatures, called “Reebops,” to explore the relationships between genes and inherited traits.
Reproduction and Heredity
LessonStudents will perform crosses between fruit fly strains and observe 1) the transmission of traits from parents to offspring, and 2) that offspring produced by sexual reproduction exhibit diverse combinations of parental traits.
Inherited Traits in Humans and Fruit Flies
LessonStudents will perform crosses between fruit fly strain with different physical characteristics and observe 1) the transmission of traits from parents to offspring and 2) that offspring produced by sexual reproduction exhibit diverse combinations of parental traits.