Food and Fitness
Author(s): Nancy P. Moreno, PhD, Sonia Rahmati Clayton, PhD, Paula H Cutler, MA, Martha S. Young, BFA, and Barbara Z Tharp, MS.
© BrandXPictures.
Students examine their individual energy and nutritional needs, determine how to calculate basal metabolic rate, learn about calories and true portion sizes, and use what they've learned to plan menus for persons with special dietary needs. The guide provides the following activities and readings.
- Energy for Life - How do living organisms process energy to move, grow and maintain themselves?
- Energy Sources - How is food converted to energy?
- Your Energy Needs - What are your daily average energy (Calorie) needs?
- Serving Sizes - What is a recommended serving size versus what is sometimes eaten?
- Servings and Choices - How do we balance energy needs with food intake?
- Your Nutrition Needs - What kinds of food are needed for healthy choices?
- The Science of Nutrition Research - NSBRI scientists research nutrition as a means to combat muscle loss and other problems associated with space flight. This research will benefit people on Earth experiencing muscle loss.
- Nutritional Challenges - How can someone needing a special diet, such as an athlete or someone with Type 2 diabetes, maintain their health or meet their diet goals? (May be used as a post-assessment.)
- Eating at Cafe ISS - Astronaut Ed Lu shares his experiences with food and eating while onboard the International Space Station.
Lessons in The Science of Food and Fitness Teacher's Guide was designed for students in grades 6–8, but also may be used with other grade levels as deemed appropriate.
Thus guide is available in print format.
Download: The Science of Food and Fitness Teacher's Guide Download: Classroom Slides
Funded by the following grant(s)
National Space Biomedical Research Institute
This work was supported by National Space Biomedical Research Institute through NASA cooperative agreement NCC 9-58.