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Photos and Video

BioEd Online is pleased to offer a library digital photos and videos, available for free viewing and download. Use these resources to supplement your instruction in many subjects.
A 3D Map of the Human Genome
The human genome is two meters long but fits inside the microscopic nucleus of a cell. The genome also modulates the function of each cell so that the cells operate differently. What makes this happen? Suhas Rao and Miriam Huntley of the Aiden Lab describe a 3D map of the human genome at kilobase resolution, revealing the principles of chromatin looping.
Ants in Space
Ants are able to coordinate their activities, even though no single ant (not even the queen) directs their behavior. How do they do it? Build your own ant habitat and compare the search behaviors of ants on Earth to those living on the ISS.
Butterflies In Space
Are butterfly larvae able to complete metamorphosis in microgravity? Grow butterflies with your students and compare them to images and videos of Vanessa cardui in their habitat aboard the ISS.
Counting Microscopic Heartbeats
Video for use with the alternate activity found in Activity 4 of The Science of Alcohol Teacher's Guide, when microscopes and Daphnia are not available. Students will count the heartbeats from the video and chart results.
How Does DNA Fold? The Loop Extrusion Model
The human genome is two meters long, but it fits inside the microscopic nucleus of a cell. How is this possible? Research conducted in the Aiden Lab at Baylor College of Medicine suggests that the genome achieves this feat by forming loops and domains through a process called extrusion.
In the Lab with Daphnia
Demonstration for how best to conduct Activity 4 of The Science of Alcohol Teacher's Guide, in which students study the effects of alcohol on a microorganism (Daphnia) using a light microscope.
Plants in Space
Do plants grow differently in microgravity? Use Wisconsin FastPlants® to investigate plant root growth, and compare seedlings in class to images and videos of ones grown in space.
Saving Baby Elephants from a Lethal Virus (EEHV)
Paul D. Ling, Ph.D., a microbiologist at Baylor College of Medicine, is a leading global expert on elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV), a disease that is killing baby Asian elephants. Join him as he discusses the virus, key discoveries, and a treatment protocol, developed by his research team, that keeps the elephants alive.
Scientific Decision-making
High school and middle school students follow three patient case studies to learn how diet, exercise and life choices can affect our cardiovascular health. Your class will use medical tests and patient information to make evidence-based decisions regarding the diagnosis and treatment for each patient.
Spiders in Space
Do spiders weave webs in microgravity? Use these photos and videos to discover the answer and conduct your own spider investigations here on Earth.