The Brain, Neurons and Brain Chemistry
Purkinje cells (blue) in the cerebellum.
Image by Mathieu Letellier, Honorable Mention, 2009 Olympus BioScapes Digital Imaging Competition®.
Did you ever wonder why you can respond so quickly when you are startled? Wonder why you can “see” a picture in your mind’s eye? Wonder why you can remember facts, events and skills that you learned or experienced a long time ago? Your brain and nervous system makes these and many more things possible by controlling virtually all functions of the body by transmitting neurotransmitters via specialized cells, called neurons.
This slide set originally was created for use with the Brain Chemistry Teacher's Guide, but may be used as a set or as individual teaching slides according to instructional needs.
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Funded by the following grant(s)
NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research Science Education Award, National Institute on Drug Abuse, and NIH Office of the Director
The Learning Brain: Interactive Inquiry for Teachers and Students
Grant Number: 5R25DA033006
Science Education Partnership Award, NIH
Filling the Gaps: K-6 Science/Health Education
Grant Number: 5R25RR013454