Microbes Demonstration Slide Sets
View or download slide sets used in many of the demonstration videos for the Microbes unit. Links are provided for available videos.
What Do You Know About Microbes? (pre-assessment)
Slide SetCompanion slide set of the video demonstration, "What Do You Know About Microbes?" showing how best to proceed with the pre-assessment and initial activity.
Tools of Magnification
Slide SetCompanion slide set of the video demonstration, "Tools of Magnification," showing how best to proceed with the lesson of the same name.
Magnifying and Observing Cells
Slide SetCompanion slide set for the video demonstration of how to teach the lesson, "Magnifying and Observing Cells."
Observing Different Microbes
Slide SetCompanion slide set of the video demonstration, "Observing Different Microbes." showing how best to teach the lesson, "Observing Different Microbes."
The Variety and Roles of Microbes
Slide SetCompanion slide set to the video demonstration, "The Variety and Roles of Microbes," showing how best to teach the lesson of the same name.
Comparing Sizes of Microorganisms
Slide SetCompanion slide set to the video demonstration, "Comparing Sizes of Microorganisms," showing how best to teach the lesson of the same name.
Milestones in Microbiology
Slide SetCompanion slide set to the video demonstration, "Milestones in Microbiology," showing how best to teach the lesson of the same name.
Microbes Are Everywhere
Slide SetCompanion slide set of the video demonstration, "Microbes Are Everywhere." showing how best to teach the lesson, "Microbes Are Everywhere."
Defending Against Microbes
Slide SetCompanion slide set of the video demonstration, "Defending Against Mirobes," showing how best to teach the lesson, "Defending Against Microbes."
Infectious Disease Case Study
Slide SetCompanion slide set to the video demonstration, "Defending Against Microbes," showing how best to teach the lesson of the same name.
Microbes and Disease
Slide SetCompanion slide set to the video demonstration, "Microbes and Disease," showing how best to teach the lesson of the same name.
And Now, What Do You Know About Microbes? (post-assessment)
Slide SetCompanion slide set to the video demonstration, "And Now, What Do You Know About Microbes?" showing how best to conduct the pre-assessment of the same name.